Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Congratulations one and all !!!

moi finally psyched!!

to be a bit more 'V'strath

I've started thinking I'm god !!

It all started one dark and stormy*read as breezy* night,

me sitting and reading a book on "adi shankaracharya ",

there I read his principle of "aham brahmasmi"

suddenly my super-bored brain *???* somersaulted,
"Why not ???" I went out into the rain *drizzle*,

lifted my arms in an aura of supposed power ,

and screamt , rather ordered " O rain , I order you to stop showering on my house !!!"

And then it suddenly started pouring

my mama shouted "get in mr.zeus,or you'll catch a cold"

I went in dejected,

but now whenever I pass a temple , all I do is


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